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AMD在北京AI PC创新峰会上展示Ryzen AI PC生态系统的强大实力

时间:2024-03-21 18:34:17 来源:互联网阅读:

AMD在北京AI PC创新峰会上展示Ryzen AI PC生态系统的强大实力

2024年3月21日,北京讯——AMD今天在众多合作伙伴、媒体和意见领袖的见证下举办了AI PC创新峰会,展示了其在中国AI PC生态系统中的发展势头,并将领先的AI计算带给消费者。AMD董事会主席及首席执行官Lisa Su博士携AMD高级副总裁、大中华区总裁潘晓明,AMD高级副总裁、GPU技术与工程研发王启尚与AMD高级副总裁、计算与图形总经理Jack Huynh登台发表演讲。同时,包括联想集团执行副总裁兼中国区总裁刘军、华硕电脑全球副总裁石文宏在内的重要合作伙伴,以及包括始智AI、智谱·AI、通义千问、百川智能、有道、游戏加加和生数在内的生态系统合作伙伴,也一同展示了AMD锐龙8040系列如何凭借比AMD第一代AI PC处理器2高达60%的AI TOPS性能,在中国为AI PC带来全新体验。

Lisa Su博士表示:“人工智能正在推动一场革命,迅速重塑科技行业的方方面面。从数据中心到AI PC和边缘计算,我们对这个全新计算时代的机遇感到兴奋。PC是用户每天通过真正个性化的体验与AI互动的工具。我们Ryzen AI的行业领先能力和广泛的生态系统合作伙伴将实现从云到PC的无缝AI体验。”

AMD锐龙8040系列处理器为中国市场带来了领先的计算和AI体验。作为第一家将专用AI引擎、即NPU引入x86生态系统的公司,AMD是AI PC处理器的市场领导者,目前已出货数百万套系统,并在市场上提供多样化的PC设计。

AMD高级副总裁,计算与图形总经理Jack Huynh表示:“为了实现广泛的新兴AI体验,我们正在推动芯片之外的创新,包括一个开放的端到端的软件生态系统,使我们的ISV合作伙伴能够利用数千个AI模型。到2024年底,我们正按计划推动超过150个ISV为Ryzen AI进行开发,其中包括许多中国领先的软件提供商。”

AMD Ryzen AI为PC提供强劲性能

AMD是AI PC时代的领导者,将PC重塑为更个性化、更智能的设备。AI PC有望彻底改变用户与PC的交互方式,能够推进协作能力、提供个人PC智能辅助、增强创作和编辑能力以及支持商业用户提高生产力。

无论是在云端、边缘还是在端点,AI应用都有广泛的需求,包括不同的延迟、计算或功耗需求。为了在PC上提供AI体验,AMD利用了三种计算引擎:基于“Zen”架构的CPU,基于AMD RDNA的集成或独立GPU,以及基于AMD XDNA的AI引擎,即NPU。AMD XDNA架构是通过收购AMD Xilinx实现的。它是一种自适应数据流架构,是PC体验的游戏规则改变者。AMD XDNA还可以优化以提供领先的每瓦TOPS算力。下一代AMD XDNA架构设计旨在将NPU计算和代际的AI TOP算力性能翻三倍。

AMD Ryzen AI PC还包含AMD Ryzen AI软件,带来全新生活体验并释放Ryzen AI硬件的全部潜力,从CPU到GPU再到NPU,Ryzen AI软件允许用户在其Ryzen AI PC上优化和部署指定的预训练模型。

中国AI ISV生态系统

与AMD一起登台的还有来自中国ISV生态系统的代表,始智AI、百川智能、有道、游戏加加、生数与另外30多家ISV合作伙伴在会上展示了AMD AI PC体验。AMD还展示了来自通义千问、智谱·AI、无问芯穹、元始智能、面壁智能等合作伙伴的端侧中文大语言模型(LLM)。

包括软件、硬件和平台公司在内的100多家生态系统合作伙伴齐聚一堂,庆祝AMD AI PC在大中华区市场的进展。

AMD处理器驱动的令人兴奋的AI PC演示包括:

· 10多种全球和中国开源LLM在设备上运行,参数规模从20亿到720亿的超过20个;

· 来自游戏加加的首个由NPU支持的游戏AI训练和AI游戏高光时刻捕获应用;

· 全新AI内容创作体验,包括基于LLM的具有图像、视频、3D和音乐生成功能的AIGC应用;

· 涵盖教育、医疗保健、工业设计、AI代码生成及更多领域,为企业赋能;

· 以及改善办公协作的全新AI增强视频会议应用。

为了在中国打造和支持下一代AI,AMD为中国开发申请者带来了全球AI PC开发者大赛。AMD还将全球AMD ROCm平台和AI PC大学项目扩展到中国的大学。AMD AI PC开发者支持项目旨在中国建立ISV联盟,聚焦培训、工具支持和开发者资助。

AMD锐龙8040系列处理器为移动AI PC带来令人难以置信的AI体验

从日常生产力到令人难以置信的内容创作,AMD锐龙8040系列处理器提供了更高水准的性能。凭借基于AMD RDNA 3架构的Radeon显卡和特定型号拥有的、由AMD XDNA架构打造的AMD Ryzen AI,新处理器专为正在寻找功能强大、性能可靠、能够运行先进AI体验的笔记本电脑的创意专业人士、游戏玩家和主流用户而量身设计。

锐龙8040系列拥有“Zen 4”、AMD RDNA 3和AMD XDNA架构,提供高达16TOPS的NPU算力和高达39TOPS的整体算力,带来专用的AI性能、强大的隐私和安全功能、高能效以及低成本的AI应用。

包括华硕、七彩虹、玄派、惠普、荣耀、联想、机械师、机械革命、壹号本、微星、雷蛇、ROG和ThinkPad等在内的OEM厂商已经在中国上市采用锐龙8040系列处理器的AMD Ryzen AI PC系统。


AMD锐龙8000G系列是强大的ALL IN ONE台式机处理器,这款处理器基于AMD领先的“Zen 4”架构,最高达到8核心和16线程设计,用户可以期待其卓越而强大的实力和性能,并将其应用于包括游戏和内容创建在内的高强度工作荷载中。

所有AMD锐龙8000G系列台式机处理器都内置速度极快且功能强大的Radeon 700M集成显卡。这让用户能够以快速响应的帧率畅玩流行的在线或AAA游戏,而无需购入独立显卡。

部分AMD锐龙8000G处理器还支持AMD Ryzen AI技术,这也是AMD首次将NPU芯片集成在了台式机处理器中,其算力高达39TOPS,并能够独立加速电脑上的AI软件,以帮助优化AI工作负载,提高AI处理效率,解锁种种令人兴奋的AI体验。


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关于AMD 在超过五十年的历史中,AMD引领了高性能运算、图形,以及可视化技术方面的创新。全球数以亿计的人们、领先的500强公司,以及尖端科学研究机构都依靠AMD技术来改善他们的生活、工作以及娱乐。AMD员工致力于打造领先的高性能和自适应产品,努力拓宽技术的极限。成就今日,启迪未来。更多信息,敬请访问AMD公司(NASDAQ:AMD)官网http://www.amd.com.cn/ ,关注AMD官方微信:AMDChina,关注AMD官方微博@AMD中国。








Cautionary Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) such as the features, functionality, performance, availability, timing and expected benefits of AMD products including the AMD Ryzen TMAI, which are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are commonly identified by words such as "would," "may," "expects," "believes," "plans," "intends," "projects" and other terms with similar meaning. Investors are cautioned that the forward-looking statements in this press release are based on current beliefs, assumptions and expectations, speak only as of the date of this press release and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. Such statements are subject to certain known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond AMD's control, that could cause actual results and other future events to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. Material factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, without limitation, the following: Intel Corporation’s dominance of the microprocessor market and its aggressive business practices; economic  and market uncertainty; cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry; market conditions of the industries in which AMD products are sold; loss of a significant customer; public health crises, such as pandemics and epidemics; competitive markets in which AMD’s products are sold; quarterly and seasonal sales patterns; AMD's ability to adequately protect its technology or other intellectual property; unfavorable currency exchange rate fluctuations; ability of third party manufacturers to manufacture AMD's products on a timely basis in sufficient quantities and using competitive technologies; availability of essential equipment, materials, substrates or manufacturing processes; ability to achieve expected manufacturing yields for AMD’s products; AMD's ability to introduce products on a timely basis with expected features and performance levels; AMD's ability to generate revenue from its semi-custom SoC products; potential security vulnerabilities; potential security incidents including IT outages, data loss, data breaches and cyberattacks; potential difficulties in operating AMD’s newly upgraded enterprise resource planning system; uncertainties involving the ordering and shipment of AMD’s products; AMD’s reliance on third-party intellectual property to design and introduce new products in a timely manner; AMD's reliance on third-party companies for design, manufacture and supply of motherboards, software, memory and other computer platform components; AMD's reliance on Microsoft and other software vendors' support to design and develop software to run on AMD’s products; AMD’s reliance on third-party distributors and add-in-board partners; impact of modification or interruption of AMD’s internal business processes and information systems; compatibility of AMD’s products with some or all industry-standard software and hardware; costs related to defective products; efficiency of AMD's supply chain; AMD's ability to rely on third party supply-chain logistics functions; AMD’s ability to effectively control sales of its products on the gray market; long-term impact of climate change on AMD’s business; impact of government actions and regulations such as export regulations, tariffs and trade protection measures; AMD’s ability to realize its deferred tax assets; potential tax liabilities; current and future claims and litigation; impact of environmental laws, conflict minerals-related provisions and other laws or regulations; evolving  expectations from governments, investors, customers and other stakeholders regarding corporate responsibility matters; issues related to the responsible use of AI; impact of acquisitions, joint ventures and/or investments on AMD’s business and AMD’s ability to integrate acquired businesses;  impact of any impairment of the combined company’s assets; restrictions imposed by agreements governing AMD’s notes, the guarantees of Xilinx’s notes and the revolving credit facility; AMD's indebtedness; AMD's ability to generate sufficient cash to meet its working capital requirements or generate sufficient revenue and operating cash flow to make all of its planned R&D or strategic investments; political, legal and economic risks and natural disasters; future impairments of technology license purchases; AMD’s ability to attract and retain qualified personnel; and AMD’s stock price volatility. Investors are urged to review in detail the risks and uncertainties in AMD’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to AMD’s most recent reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q. 


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